epiAge Test


Why is Your epiAge Important?

People age at different rates. Some ”look” and “feel older than their chronological age, while others look younger than their chronological age. Let us give you an early call on cancer risk.

Epigenetic age is a better parameter of our well being than our chronological age.

DNA is the hardware, genetics is the operating system and DNA methylation and other epigenetic factors are the software that programs the genome.

A paradigm shift in search for epigenetic age markers began with the discovery of the “epigenetic clock” by Horvath, which is based is based on the measurement of DNA methylation status at hundreds of strategic positions in DNA This epigenetic clock measures our epigenetic age.

In most people, the “epigenetic age” measured by the epigenetic clock and the “chronological age” measured by the calendar are very similar. The correlation between the two measures across the population is close to 0.8 when 1 is a perfect correlation.

However in some people the “epigenetic age” is different from the “chronological age”. Sometimes the “epigenetic clock” moves faster than the “chronological clock”. We consider a difference that is larger than the 95% confidence interval of the population. mean (or the normal distribution in the population) as a significant difference.

Studies suggest that accelerated “epigenetic clock” might be associated with increased risks for several age-related chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.(https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=epigenetic+clock+disease). This is however still an open field and more studies are needed, and there is no clear immediate correlation between older "epigenetic" age and chronic diseases.

Benefits of epiAge Test

After extensive data mining, we have discovered a single age-related CG methylation region that was sufficient to accurately predict epigenetic age using saliva.

We prepare DNA from your saliva and measure the level of DNA methylation in several positions in a fragment of your genome using a bisulfide conversion followed by next generation sequencing. A specific computer script calculates the level of DNA methylation. Your DNA methylation results are inserted into a mathematical equation that calculates the “epigenetic age” as a function of the level of DNA methylation.

We consider it as a “red flag” when your “epigenetic age” deviates from the 95% confidence interval of the population mean. You will be able to calculate the expected "epigenetic age" of your age cohort using our web calculator. We don't know your chronological age. However, based on an equation that calculate the relationship between "EpiAge" and chronological age in a large number of DNA methylation results in the public data, we will provide you with the expected.

Just imagine your DNA is a book specifically written about your body, it is not a generalisation about anyone other than you. With the onset of A.I. (artificial intelligence) it can save weeks of work by combining the latest technology and DNA understanding to speed up the repetitive work, produce a comprehensive report and based on the findings, can produce a regime or change of lifestyle to aid your own bodies natural immunity to protect you by switching off the methylation. In our own laboratories, we can provide test results in approximately 10 - 14 days bringing peace of mind in the shortest possible time.

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