Early Cancer Detection

Clinically cancer can remain undetected for many years, and even when detected, it may not be painful. People often neglect themselves by thinking it cannot be serious, when the reality is that it can spread silently and maybe in other organs than where it originally started.

We must be more alert to the disease and have an early understanding of cancer, including its causes, screening, treatment, recurrence, and so on, to take appropriate preventive measures.

Cancer is a chronic disease, its formation process takes 10 to 20 years. If it can be detected early, 95% of the cases can be cured.

We Strongly advise patients to seek the advice of their family practitioner, or the advice of a doctor in a private clinic where they can get professional advice on the best way forward.

Heritage DNA test uses epiPanCancer5 analysis in DNA examination uses methylation between normal and cancer cells to detect cancer DNA in your blood. The sensitivity for detecting different types of cancer in TCGA data for all cancers is set at 95% accuracy. 

DNA Methylation?

The proper positioning of DNA methylation on genes serves as an on/off switch for genes. The DNA we have in every cell of our body is like a minicomputer that manages our cells so that our body functions appropriately to perform all the tasks that are required throughout our lives. Our scientists used proprietary methods to discover methylation profiles categorically different between cancer, blood, and normal tissues. We called this new method BCD: Binary Categorical Differentiation. The method identifies black-and-white differences between cancer and normal healthy tissue.

What can you expect from your report

Under normal circumstances you can expect your report in 7 -10 days. If it occasionally takes a little longer, we are giving you and your doctor the most up to date information. If you ordered the saliva EpiAge test we will compare the DNA age with your chronological age, which will tell us if you have things going wrong, or that you are healthier than your age. Therefore EpiAge gives a good overview and from that result the report will provide findings, and will offer recommendations to discuss with your doctor. 

The epiPanCancer5 Test is a Blood Plasma Test which is testing for 33 of the most common types of cancer. There are many more types of cancer, but from this  33, we are able to know if thing are going right, or wrong, and will be able to give you the results quickly with the minimum of delay. We may suggest a follow up test at 6 months or beyond to keep you protected by our early warning system.   The report will give you our findings, which you will be able to discuss with your doctor You will also get our recommendations for a healthy lifestyle, to help your body reach reverse methylation. to switch off the cancer cells. This is particularly important before the cancer is evident in normal blood tests or MRI, A change of lifestyle for anyone can help delay the outcome of cancer. It is  therefore important  to care for your body starting today.         

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