That worst day

In 2007 a friend was diagnosed with cancer following a stressful period in his life.

He told me about that horrible day, when he went to see the consultant. He arrived at 4 PM and was finally called in at 6 PM. As he sat there waiting he thought this is not good, the consultant confirmed his worst fear, he had been diagnosed with cancer. He said it was like hitting a brick wall. “I believed it would not happen to me, and panic set in to the point, that he could not think” but I am sure this must be most peoples first reaction The doctor said there are cancer cells present, but for now it is just a very small cluster. She said there are alternatives, there is surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy. He asked if it was close to any outer margin and was assured that it was not. As he walked back to his car for the drive home he thought about what he would say to his wife.  He did not want to worry her, so he thought he would say things are not conclusive, so for now they are keeping an eye on me, just in case.  He said while I was sitting there before driving off the phone rang it was his wife, everything he planned to say was eclipsed by him saying it’s not good news I have cancer, but thankfully it is only small.

On the way home his thoughts were how do I break the news to my daughters, but his wife had already spoken to them and for that he was very relieved. This was Friday and he said that the whole weekend was a sad and reflective time trying to appear normal, but in a kind of daze and screaming inside. 

On his next visit to the consultant, he told her he would prefer the surgery option and she said what ever you choose, I can only give you ten years, based on my experience. That was 17 years ago and my friend is still symptom free and healthy. 

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